Ok, I need your opinions.
I obviously want to blog about these recent adventures. I may actually be accepting placement next Friday if all works out.
But here's the question - where to blog?!
I'm not sure that I want to open myself up to critism - but I am really excited and hope this ends up being a good experience that other's might be interested in hearing about.
My other blog is pretty anonymous - this one is not so much.
But that blog feels like more about my job - while this one is more about me and my life.
AHHHHH!!! I don't know what to do!
Start a THIRD blog? That seems crazy too.
Ok, I'm setting up a poll on the side of my blog.
Please vote.
Or just comment.
Spencer is ONE MONTH Old
8 years ago
my coworker sent me this story and i thought of you http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/35936569/ns/health-kids_and_parenting/from/toolbar